Full Project – The impact of employees discipline on the performance of business enterprises

Full Project – The impact of employees discipline on the performance of business enterprises

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1.1    Background to the Study

Over the years, organizations have developed different mechanisms for providing employees with a formal opportunity to improve unacceptable performance. The first structured introduction of discipline into organizations was established in the United States of America in the 1930s in response to the trade unions’ request eliminating summary terminations. It’s in this place a progressive system of punishment was developed. It was envisaged that this would provide a worker with protection against job loss (Huberman, 2018). The concept of discipline in organizational context has been defined effectively by Kazdin’s as, Punishment is the presentation of an aversive event or the removal of a positive event following a response which decreases the frequency of that response”. A relationship or contingency exists between a response and the aversive consequences or stimuli (Bandura, 2018). In simple terms, the measure is the product that is used when certain behaviors are observed. The product is meant to be unpleasant to discourage recurrence.

In Africa, there are very rare circumstances where an employee will agree to a disciplinary sanction where the employer’s reasons are considered acceptable by the employee. In these situations, an employer is well advised to have the employee provide written confirmation of the acceptance of the action so that it will not later be used against the employer if the employee thereafter is terminated or changes his mind as to the appropriateness of the disciplinary action taken against him or her. Without the employee’s consent or a properly documented performance deficiency trail, an employer can still discipline employees as it considers appropriate by providing appropriate notice of the action (Banda, 2014).

In Kenya especially, there are certain instances when an employee does not adhere to the norms, rules and workplace ethics of the firm for which he/she works. However, no employee is expected to be so unaware as to show serious issues of misconduct that are stretched over a long period of time, causing loss to the company. This is where the role of human resource management is crucial, as someone needs to warn the employee before he creates a problem for his teammates and colleagues. A warning letter specifies the exact cause of warning and is indirectly a signal for the employee, that if he/she does not amend his/her ways, the company will be compelled to terminate his/her employment (Bewley, 2015).

Locally where there are organizations where a number of people work together, it is quite likely that company rules get broken intentionally or unintentionally. A single instance of violation, under genuine and well-justified circumstances might be forgiven. Repeated instances of violation might compel the company management to take strict action against an employee in the form of suspension, termination of job and penalty. Organizations might directly take such firm action, or issue a warning letter to the employee to give the employee a second chance (Handy, 2017).

It is the intention of this research work to find out whether if employees discipline is really making a remarkable progress in the business organization. This study also revolves around the positive contributions which employees discipline can bring about in the productivity of an organization.

1.2    Statement of the Research Problem

For decades, organizations have used a fairly standardized procedure to handle familiar personnel problems such as absenteeism, poor performance, and other misconduct. This approach, usually called “progressive discipline,” provides for an increasingly serious series of penalties – reprimands, warnings, suspensions without pay – when employees fall out of step with the organization’s expectations. When problems arise, the job of the manager is to find the punishment that fits the crime.

But today, a growing number of companies are moving away from using a criminal-justice mentality for employee performance improvement through corrective action. They are abandoning traditional approaches that focus exclusively on punishment. Instead, they are adopting an approach of accountability – employees with unfavourable performance, conduct or attendance issues are required to take personal responsibility for their choice of behaviour. Despite all these changes organizations in the County are still glued on traditional outdated approaches of discipline management and it’s in this light that the research seeks to dig out the relationship that exist between discipline management and employee performance with

specific reference with the County Education office

The major issue which necessitates the need for this study is about curbing this selfish and self-centeredness act of employees which in most cases become a clog in the wheel of progress of any organization that engages in the services of these employees. The study basically aims at explaining the various measures by which employee and organizations can work hand in hand to realize their mutual objectives. This is because if the objectives of each party are left unachieved, definitely they have not fulfilled the purpose of their existence. This is the problem under investigation in this study.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

         The main objective of this research is to examine the impact of employee discipline on the performance of business enterprises. Other specific objectives include:

  1. To determine whether code of discipline has positive effect on the performance of business enterprises
  2. To evaluate whether disciplinary procedures has any influence on the performance of business enterprises
  3. To examine whether there is significant relationship between employee discipline and the performance of business enterprises.

1.4    Research Hypotheses

         The following hypotheses are formulated for research work, which the study is expected to provide answer to are as follows:

Hypothesis I

Ho:   Code of discipline does not have any positive effect on the performance of business enterprises

Hi:  Code of discipline has positive effect of on the performance of business enterprises.

Hypothesis II

Ho:   Disciplinary procedures does not have influence on the performance of business enterprises

Hi:    Disciplinary procedures does have influence on the performance of business enterprises

Hypothesis III

Ho:   There is no significant relationship between employee discipline and the performance of business enterprises.

Hi:    There is no significant relationship between employee discipline and the performance of business enterprises..

1.5    Significance of the Study

         The study of this research will be of great benefit to the employers as this will help them to handle any employee who is showing negligence on his or her duty.

Employees of an organization will equally behave well in their duties, knowing that discipline will be administered in case of misconduct of any kind.

The finding will also contribute to the existence knowledge on this topic and it will benefit the future researcher. It is also a requirement for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business Administration.

1.6    Scope of the Study

         The scope of the research work covers “The impact of employees discipline on the performance of business enterprises with particular reference to Yisab Communication, Lokoja..

In the course of these study the meaning of discipline, various forms of employee indiscipline, disciplinary procedure and finally the impact of employee discipline on the performance of business enterprises were all covered.

1.7    Limitation and Constraints of the Study

         This study was not carried out without some limitations and constraint. Many factors really hindered the researcher from attaining a timely and accomplishing research work.

Financial Constraint: Financial is another problem faced by the researcher, for total accomplishing of the objective of the study to be achieved, its demand much more cost than what the research could afford. A better result would have been gotten of the scope of the study   to be achieved.

Time Constraint: Carrying out this study, the researcher was subjected to as stipulated time limit within which the findings must     be reported. Also because of the condition which the researcher is doing the research, there is little time at her disposal to efficiently deal with the resources work.

1.8    Definition of Key Terms

Business: According to Gie (2017) it is the whole complex fixed of commerce or basic industrial process and manufacturing industrial process and manufacturing industries. And the whole network of auxiliary services, banking distribution insurance and transport which serve and interpenetrate the business as a whole.

Discipline: Knight (2014), defines discipline as a pattern of behavior which can be traced back from a particular training. This behaviour is portrayed by a person in order to demonstrate his personal traits

Employee: Bathemuka (2018) this is a person employed by another in return for wages and salaries.

Indiscipline: Alwi (2017) define indiscipline as .an act of engagement in behaviour that has been specified as undesirable.

Business Enterprise:: According to  Oberge (2014)  sees business enterprises as  a human skill, particularly as it applies to doing something new and clever.

Procedure:  Gomes (2017) defined procedure as the official or formal order or way of doing something.

Performance:: Oberg (2014) defined it as the act of performing, carrying into , execution or action execution, achievement.



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Full Project – The impact of employees discipline on the performance of business enterprises